Watch the YOUTUBE Vids and read the Manual

Be of Sound Mind and Good Physical Condition to Safely Operate

​​SAFETY NOTE:  Working Load Limit of 300 Lbs is NOT MAX Load FOR OTLVISE...   Max Load is more relevant to the wheels being Used and Terrain being traversed.  IF You have questions just email...   ONLY One Tire is suggested for OTLVISE.  Many Options are Available      The Failure load as shown on Youtube was 3000 lbs for the T Handle...  also on Youtube You can see OTLVISE lifting over 1200 lbs with only one handle and moving over 1200 lbs on just one axle...  READ ALL the instructions and watch the videos and BE in good Physical and mental condition if You want to use this tool safely.  WORKING LOAD Limit is a SAFETY RATIO Number divided into the MAX LOAD.     OTLVISE HAS SUCCESSULLY moved ALL Carom Tables for Many Years and THEY are the Heaviest pieces.     OTLVISE can be modified for swivel wheels, larger axles and more easily....  Remember its a BETA Tool and input is welcome for future Improvements...      

TIP OF THE MONTH:   Moving One Piece slate video,   Get the little ramp and don't forget never clamp to where the glue was

Welcome to OTLVISE

US PATENT 8312598, 8573608

​Custom Made In USA its Red White and Blue Powder Coated

SUBSCRIBE TO Youtube for updates

   Read The website and Copy on ALL Youtube videos to properly and safely use this tool 


 It’s the
Responsibility of the Business to provide Employees tools that will allow them to perform their job Safely  and avoid known  hazards.

   ASK OSHA or Your Attorney or Your Doctor or The Customer

3 Year Warranty applies to OTLVISE Red, White and Blue powder coated parts ONLY...

 other items are NOT: such as non slip material, markers, flashlight etc


15th Anniversary Kits ready soon- see about page for details on last section

SAVE NOW-EMERGENCY TAX Notice -click here

To celebrate 15 years I will offer $100 off Kit price for the month of January so the cost with shipping will be $1150.  Hundreds of Mechs use OTLVISE all over the WORLD